Rumus Structure And Written Expression
Bagaimana cara mudah belajar toefl structure and Written Expression
1. Bagaimana cara mudah belajar toefl structure and Written Expression
Beli buku toefl
lalu pelajari isi" nya
jangan me nebak" jawaban
harus sesuai struktur dan rumus
2. write down the structure of expression surprise and amazemen
i am really Amazed at
that's unbelievable!
3. What are the generic structure of expression congratulation and complementing?
. Social function of congratulation someone
a. To develop interaction and communication with others
b. To express our happiness or positive feeling about your seccess, and it alsoto maintain good relationships among friends, classmates, fellow workers, colleagues
c. To respond to someone's achievement or success.
-Structure of congratulations
when we give congratulations, we may more than one sentence. Look at the following example Congratulation! You are great
(congratulating) (extension)
The extension can be expression of complimenting In the dialogue, we can conclude that the structure of congratulating someone is
1. Giving congratulations
2. Thanking
B. Language Feature of Giving Congratulation
these are the examples of congratulation expressions and responses.
Congratulating Expressions:
· Congratulations!
· I'm very happy of you!
· That's wonderful!
· Good for you!
· Best of luck!
· Well done!
· Fantastic job!
· You must be very happy with your achievement.
· I'd like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!
· Please accept my warmest congratulation
· I must congratulate you on your success!
· Happy Birthday
· Happy New Year
· Happy Eid Mubarak
· Happy Anniversary
· Let me congratulate you
· I would be the first to congratulate you on...
· I would like to congratulate you on
· Please accept mywarmest congratulations.
· May I congratulate you.
· It was great to hear about...
· Well done!
Responses for congratulating:
· It's very good of you to say so
· Thank you, I can't forget your help to me
· How nice of you to say so
· Thank you very much for saying so
· I'm glad you think so
· Oh, actually it's nothing special
· Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
· Oh, not really
· Oh, nothing to it, actually
· Oh thanks'
In congratulating, people may make more than one move, for example, “Congratulations! You deserved it, Man.” Similarly, in responding to congratulating expressions, people do not only make one move, like, “Thank you very much.” Usually they also say something else, such as, “This is because you’re always with me.” Those expressions are called as extended congratulations/ responses to congratulations (pujian bersayap).
C. Congratulation Cards
Besides expressing congratulations directly, we can also congratulate someone by sending a congratulation cards. Congratulations cards belong to greeting cards. A greeting card is an ilustrated card featuring an expression of friendship or others. It is usually given on special occasion. A greeting card is also defined as a piece of paper or folded paper with text or images on the front and massage inside.
A congratulaion card consists of the name of the receiver, the congratulation massage, and the writer or the sender.
Expressing Compliments
People usually add compliments when they congratulate someone. Compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise other people. Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will keep on doing their best and even improve their performance.
A. Social function of Giving Compliment
a. To improve relationship between people.
b. To give compliment or encouragement.
Complimenting someone
Compliment on sucesses
Compliments on possessions
Compliments on skills
Compliments on appearance
Compliments on successing
When to express compliment:
· On daily basis,
· When someone has done his/her best,
· When you visit someone’s house for the first time,
· If you notice something new about someone’s appearance.
B. Language Features of giving compliment
Level of formality
Responding to compliments
Returning Compliment (optional)
· I’d like to compliment you on ...
· I think your (dress) is very nice
· I just love your (hair)
· The (soup) is delicious
· I really like your (hair)
· That’s nice
· That’s neat
· That’s not bad
· Terrific
· Preatty good
· OK!
· All right
· Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.
· Thank you, but it really isn’t anything special.
· Thank you. Yours is even nicer
· I’m glad to like it.
· Thankyou.
· Thanks.
· It’s nice to hear that from someone with your experience.
· Your is nice,
4. Structure and written expression. Marmots spend their time foraging among meadow plants and flowers or _____ on rocky cliffs. a. Gets sun b. Sunning c. The sun d. Sunny Berikan penjelasannya! Mohon bantuannya
Marmots spend their time foraging among meadow plants and flowers or sunning on rocky cliffs.
Unsur kalimat di atas sudah memenuhi adanya S + V (unsur minimal sebuah kalimat)
Jika kita perhatikan ada coordinating conjunction or dalam kalimat tersebut,maka aturannya adalah phrase yang dihubungkan harus memiliki aturan yang sama, phrase pertama mengandung gerund (v-ing) maka phrase kedua juga harus dalam bentuk v-ing. maka jawaban yang tepat adalah sunning
jika memilih a maka akan double predikat
jika memilih c maka akan double subject, atau tidak ada predikat yang bisa memperkuat subject the sun
jika memilih d, yang berupa kata sifat, tidak ada noun yang dijelaskan
5. tolong bantuannya tentang written expression
A. Pengertian TOEFL
TOEFL adalah kependekan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language (test bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing), yang dibuat oleh ETS (Educational Testing Service), sebuah lembaga di Amerika Serikat. Tes TOEFL ini diperlukan untuk persyaratan masuk kuliah pada hampir semua Universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada yang kemudian juga bagi mahasiswa yang mendaftar ke Universitas Eropa dan Australia. Tes ini program Undergraduate (S1) maupun Graduate (S2 ataupun S3).
6. Write the structure of the Expression of Introduction!
Structure of the Expression of Introduction!
*1. Greeting.
2. Introduction.
3. Name and nickname
4. Place and date of birth.
5. Address.
6. Hobby.
Introducing self is a sentence used to introduce yourself.
Semoga membantu:-)
Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><
7. tolong dong... contoh text structure expression warning ?
A warning is usually in the form of imperative, but it may occur with the modal "must" and "should"
What should…………………………….. ? apa yang seharusnya…?
•What do you think should………… ? menurut mu seharusnya…?
•What do you advise? apa nasehat mu?
•Could you give me some advice for ….?dapatkah kamu memberi ku nasehat untuk…?
•What you would advice? apa yang akan kamu nasehatkan?
•What would you do if……….? apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika….?
•Do you think I should …..? menurutmu aku harus…?
8. create a written short dialog consist of the expression of showing intention and asking, stating agreement or disagreement
Membuat dialog pendek tertulis terdiri dari ungkapan menunjukkan niat dan meminta, menyatakan setuju atau tidak setuju
sorry if wrong
9. Soal tentang WRITTEN EXPRESSION, Ada yang bisa bantu jawab + Alasan nya
11. B. Length merupakan noun, sedangkan kalimat sedang mendeskripsikan Polar winters sehingga seharusnya menggunakan kata sifat (adjective: long, dark and cold).
12. D. Turn adalah verb 1/infinite verb, sedangkan verb Yang diikuti oleh 'have/has' harus berbentuk v3/past participle, sehingga jawaban Yang benar adalah TURNED.
13. C. Jawaban Yang benar adalah 'HIS' karena C harusnya berfungsi sebagai determiner dari home untuk menandakan kepemilikan, sehingga bentuk yang tepat possessive adjective (his), bukan subject pronoun (he).
14. C. Yang benar adalah Eight Years karena merupakan bentuk plural.
15. D. Penggunaan becomes kurang tepat Karena subject Dari kalimat nya plural (ditandai 'some') sehingga Yang benar adalah BECOME. Verb ditambah s/es hanya juga subject nya singular.
16. A. Normally merupakan bentuk Adverb (kata keterangan), sedangkan Dalam konteks kalimat itu diperlukan Adjective (kata sifat) untuk mendeskripsikan force of gravity, sehingga jawaban Yang benar adalah NORMAL.
17. A. Kata 'remember' harusnya Dalam bentuk past participle karena kalimat ini berbentuk passive. Sehingga jawaban Yang benar adalah REMEMBERED.
18. A. Penggunaan pronoun 'he' kurang tepat karena The Andromeda galaxy merupakan benda Yang tidak bergender, sehingga jawaban Yang benar adalah 'IT'
19. C. Jawaban Yang tepat adalah OBSERVATING. For + verb(ing) merupakan bentuk kata kerja untuk menunjukkan fungsi Dari sesuatu. Sedangkan 'observation' merupakan noun, sehingga tidak tepat.
20. B. The chain of stations... Yang merupakan subject pada kalimat tsb berbentuk singular, sehingga to be Yang digunakan harus Dalam bentuk singular juga, yakni WAS.
10. Arti dari what is the congratulation expression written in the card
apa ungkapan selamat yang tertulis di kartu
11. 1. Type 1 structure of Hope expression 2.Type 1 structure of Wish expression
1. I hope you pass the Exam
(Saya harap kamu lulus ujian)
2.I wish you success
(Saya harap kamu sukses)
Itu artinya
Maaf kalau salah
13. generic structure of expression intention
The pattern is S + be + going to + V1 + O. Types of Expressing Intentions There are basically two ways in expressing intentions, or purpose. But when we have a plan or intention to do something in the future, we usually use other forms of future tense. We use “ be going to”.
semoga membantu
maaf kalo salah
FOLLOW ME PLEASE14. what is the structure of expression sentence?
Structure of expreession sentencePenjelasan:
the structure and white of expreession section of the PBT primaily evaluates knowledge of standard written English convention.
The Ways in which these skills are assessed,however,merit spesial are attention, especially with respect to the written expreession question
15. bantu aku jawab soal ini dong gais. written expression
dj sjxdjsj je8f. z, nMzw
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